Saturday, August 11, 2012

PORT - and NO I am not talking liquor or wine!

FINALLY - after a LONG wait and endless make believe play, our BOAT arrived. July 31, was like Hanukkah had arrived in the summer. Our girls we SO excited about getting back their toys that had been packed up since June 4, 2012. It was a little like winning the jackpot here. The truck arrived about 9:45 AM and the lead dude gave me a spreadsheet with the box numbers on it to check off as they unloaded into our 986 sq ft apartment. I began to really contemplate whether we made a mistake on taking this place as it is smaller that anything else we had looked at. But have no fear, thanks to Lenny, it ALL has a home here - only a few items had to find new ones, but those were due to constraints on size NOT the ability to store it!
Asian Tiger, the company that was contracted to move our junk, did a GREAT job! All the boxes were accounted for and not only delivered, but unpacked, items put into the rooms they belong in and the trash HAULED away! It was great!!! If this is how country moving is - I look forward to moving to our next country!

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1 comment:

carolinajenn said...

Your next move better be the states missy!